Sunday, March 18, 2012

Class1 Week 9- CONCERN Pose

Week 9 - Concern Pose

Here in Blue is my submitted assignment:
 Here are some alternates:
(Blue was actually the last one I did, Green was the first and Torch was in between. Sometimes the sketches that look best don't translate as well to 3D or to a premade model.)

The render process for the poses above used Maya lighting with backgrounds and silhouettes entirely made in Photoshop. Very fun to do. : )

Here are the sketches I submitted, Hand drawn then enhanced in Photoshop:

Number 1 is pleading with a friend.
Number 2 is on a bench (not drawn) scooting away from a creepy stranger
Number 3 is reaching out to a friend in need.
4 is turning in a doorway (not drawn) after hearing some shocking news.
5. Stagefright.
6. Beaten to the floor
7. Bashful
8. Home Secruity
9. Exploring deep dark caves.
10. Shy
11. Concerned his experiment will EXPLODE!

Number 6 reminds me of the white cat Victoria from the Musical "Cats" which is the reason for the coloring, also it evokes innocents and vulnerably like a child. If I was to make a fourth it would be that one.

Also after drawing numbers 2 and 3 I realized it looked like they were connecting. : D

Thanks for stopping by,

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